
Es war sehr schön, Ich habe mich sehr wohl gefühlt. Die Atmosphäre war schön. Vielen Dank. Ich freue mich auf das nächste mal.
Kanta Riedel
Bad Vilbel
Tolles Angebot! Sowas hat wirklich gefehlt. Ich hatte sehr lange nach einem Angebot wie Gayatrimantra gesucht.
Rinku Sharma
Bad Vilbel
Awesome Spiritual experience, although had not the chance to experience live meditation with GMC, I have been practicing the GMC online Meditations since months, it helps me to settle down during the busy days, learned to take time to breath and care about Myself. Hope to experience a live course with Stephen here in California someday
Caroline Woods
Hatte die bezauberndste Erfahrung, wusste nicht, wie und wo diese 60 Minuten vergingen. ...ich wurde in eine andere Welt erhoben. Einfach eine wunderschöne spirituelle Erfahrung... Das Gayatri-Mantra ist das Mantra meines Lebens geworden, jetzt weiß ich, warum es das Mahamantra heißt. Großen Respekt auch an Stephen, der uns mit Liebe und Dankbarkeit durch diese ganze Erfahrung geführt hat.
Yuonne Hartmann
Oh wow!!! I am speechless, What an experience ! Got me closer to myself, especially the Gratefullness meditation with the concentration on the Ajna Chakra completely changed my life...why keep chanting different Mantras when you can Chant the mother of all Mantras. See you at the next session. Love & Peace, Namaste.
Yang Mi
Frankfurt / Shanghai
Es war wirklich eine super Erfahrung. Kann ich wirklich jedem weiter empfehlen!! Es war totale Entspannung und tat gut nach einem langen Arbeitstag mal runter zu kommen.
It was a perfect way to start my week with group meditation and chanting. Sharing the space and energy, allowing to open body and sing with people where I felt safe and accepted. The place was very peaceful, yet it gave me energy and calmed my mind, helped me to stay in present moment. I will for sure come everytime when I am in the city and time allows me to attend the group meditation. Namaste
It was a wonderful experience of chanting the Gayatri Mantra together in a group. It heightened my meditation ability and I felt wonderful after. The session was very well organised with good body consciousness exercise between the chantings. The background music was very soothing and the room vibes helped me meditate much easier.
Preetham Dsouza
If I had to describe my experience in one word it would be ”blissful“. Exactly what I needed to de-stress myself after a long day. Lovely experience and would keep visiting again 🙂
Om भीर भुवं स्वः तत सवितुर वरेश्य: भारगो देवस्य धौमहि: धियो यो नं प्रचोदयाती. What a wonderful Mantra. And what a wonderful experience, I do it everyday on the Gmc website, I love the experience
Ramesh Kori
Chanting the mantra as a community was a great hour of the day. The session felt very spiritual, stress relieving, and it helped me connect more with myself. The overall experience was amazing.
It is an amazing feeling. Chanting the mantra & meditating makes your mind & body feel so relaxed. I would recommend everyone to try this out. Well done Gayatri Mantra Club.
Newton Dsouza
Attended first session of Gayatri Mantra club and found it very impressive... Looking forward to attend more events organized by GMC... Keep up the good work
Kevin Coutinho
An amazing experience focussing on overall growth . . Physical and mental
Roydan Dsouza
Stuttgart / Pune
Vielen Dank lieber Stephen für die wunderbare gemeinsame Meditation. Ein erfüllter Ausklang des heutigen Tages. Namaste 🙏
Herzlichen Dank lieber Stephen für deine immer wieder wundervolle Anleitung und Begleitung … durch dich fällt der Einstieg in eine neue Woche Montags immer viel leichter. Du gibst etwas sehr wertvolles an deine Mitmenschen weiter und dieses wird sicherlich auch gesehen und sehr geschätzt
Thank you for the great experience. Helped me to to slow down and relax :). Would love to come back for a next session

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