

(I bow down to the Divine in You)


Gayatri Mantra Club (GMC) is the Gym for your Mind, inviting people from all walks of life, irrespective of their Age, Nationality, Sex, Religion and Lifestyle. GMC is a holistic platform to help find the real “YOU” through the introduction of the most powerful Mantra,

The Gayatri Mantra”.  

Our Vision is to help atleast 40 million people to develop a sustainable next-gen workforce with the powerful tool of Gayatri Mantra. The Club meets virtually once a week to chant together as well. You can see the details of upcoming events on the Instagram pages and this website.

Please be part and connect and share your experiences with our community. Come and #findyourself

Let's Hear from them

With our tool and an investment of just about 12 minutes of the 1440 minutes in your day, you can help yourself to know “Yourself” and improve your mental health to stay fit in the high-pressure environments that we live in today.