
I bow down to the Divine in You

Gayatri Mantra Club (GMC) is a non-profit organisation based in Frankfurt, Germany, aiming to help people to find the real “YOU” through the introduction of the most powerful Mantra, “The Gayatri Mantra”.

It is a chant dating back to more than 4000 years & taken from the great Indian Vedas. This is the only universal mantra which is dedicated to “The Light” which brings the whole Universe into “Existence”. GMC is a holistic platform inviting everyone from all walks of life, irrespective of their Age, Nationality, Sex, Religion and Lifestyle, to come together and seek asylum in chants of Gayatri Mantra to #findyourself

We are a group of friends with the aim to help millions of people across the globe to help build a healthy sustainable future with the powerful tool of the Gayatri Mantra and Yoga asanas. 

A sustainable future needs physically and mentally healthy people on this planet in order to help mankind regain mental balance and peace, to do good for upcoming generations and to oneself. 

With our tool and an investment of just about 12 minutes of the 1440 minutes in your day, you can help yourself to know “Yourself” and improve your mental health to stay fit in the high-pressure environments that we live in today.

Our Logo

Our Logo was inspired by the 4 important factors which are the core values of Gayatri Mantra Club.


The Forever Youth which resides in all of us, no matter how old we are.


The Stone fruit seeds from the mountains of Himalayas which are used as prayer Beads to meditate upon the Gayatri Mantra helping to regulate the blood flow and relaxing the body by assisting the Vibrations created by the chanting of the Gayatri Mantra


The Vibrations which are created by the chanting of the Gayatri Mantra, both at physical and mental level, guiding the respected person to get to know the inner “You”.


To attain “That” light on which we contemplate upon during the chanting helping us to live our life to the fullest.